Alle Kubernetes und Container-Orchestrierung Schulungen

Schulung LFS458 Kubernetes Administration with Effective Exam Preparation

4 Tage / S3002


Offene Schulung


  • 4 Tage - anpassbar
  • Termin nach Wunsch
  • Preis nach Angebot
  • In Ihrem Hause oder bei der GFU


  • 4 Tage - anpassbar
  • Termin nach Wunsch
  • Preis nach Angebot
  • In Ihrem Hause oder bei der GFU


Companies can derive several benefits from having employees who are certified in Kubernetes administration. Some key benefits include:
  • Improved Efficiency and Productivity: Kubernetes administrators have the skills and knowledge to effectively manage and operate Kubernetes clusters. They can streamline deployment processes, automate tasks, and optimize resource utilization, leading to increased efficiency and productivity within the company.
  • Enhanced Application Availability and Scalability: With Kubernetes administrators, companies can ensure high availability and scalability of their applications. Administrators can manage deployments, scale resources based on demand, and implement load balancing and auto-scaling techniques to meet application requirements.
  • Reduced Downtime and Faster Issue Resolution: Certified administrators are well-equipped to troubleshoot and resolve issues that arise in Kubernetes environments. They can identify and address performance bottlenecks, network connectivity problems, and configuration errors, minimizing downtime and improving the overall stability of the applications.
  • Cost Optimization: Kubernetes administrators can optimize resource allocation and utilization, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently and wastage is minimized. This can lead to cost savings for the company by eliminating unnecessary resource consumption and scaling resources based on demand.
  • Security and Compliance: Certified administrators understand best practices for securing Kubernetes clusters and implementing RBAC, network policies, and encryption. They can enforce security measures, monitor cluster activities, and ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards, safeguarding company data and assets.
  • Adoption of Modern Technologies: Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for container orchestration. Having certified administrators allows companies to adopt modern cloud-native technologies and take advantage of the benefits of containerization, microservices, and scalable infrastructure.
  • Attraction and Retention of Talent: Offering opportunities for employees to get certified in Kubernetes administration can attract top talent and help retain skilled professionals within the company. It demonstrates a commitment to professional development and keeps employees engaged and motivated in their roles.


Companies' goals in Kubernetes administration include:

  • Efficient application deployment
  • Scalability and availability
  • Resource optimization
  • Robust and secure infrastructure
  • Efficient troubleshooting and issue resolution
  • Automation and DevOps integration
  • Cost optimization
  • Agility and innovation


Wer teilnehmen sollte

The following professionals can benefit from attending:

  • System Administrators: Those responsible for managing and maintaining infrastructure and systems, including Kubernetes clusters, within an organization.
  • DevOps Engineers: Professionals involved in the development and deployment of applications, who require knowledge of Kubernetes to optimize their deployment pipelines.
  • Cloud Administrators: Individuals managing cloud-based environments and seeking to leverage Kubernetes for container orchestration.
  • Site Reliability Engineers (SREs): SREs responsible for ensuring the reliability, performance, and availability of applications running on Kubernetes.
  • IT Managers and Team Leads: Managers overseeing Kubernetes infrastructure and teams, seeking to gain a comprehensive understanding of Kubernetes administration.
  • Application Developers: Developers interested in deploying and managing their applications using Kubernetes, understanding the operational aspects involved.
  • Infrastructure Architects: Architects designing and implementing infrastructure solutions that leverage Kubernetes for scalability and resiliency.
  • IT Operations Professionals: IT personnel involved in the operational aspects of managing and monitoring Kubernetes clusters.

Ihre Schulung



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min. 1, max. 8 Personen

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Ab 1 Teilnehmenden*

4 Tage, 09:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Ort der Schulung
GFU Schulungszentrum oder Virtual Classroom
GFU Schulungszentrum
Am Grauen Stein 27
51105 Köln-Deutz

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 Introduction to Kubernetes
  • Containerization and orchestration overview
  • Kubernetes architecture and components
  • Installing and configuring a Kubernetes cluster
 Managing Pods and Deployments
  • Creating and managing Pods
  • Configuring Pod networking and storage
  • Scaling applications with Deployments
 Configuring Services and Networking
  • Creating and managing Services
  • Implementing service discovery and load balancing
  • Configuring network policies and Ingress controllers

 Managing Persistent Storage
  • Understanding storage options in Kubernetes
  • Creating and managing Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims
  • Configuring dynamic volume provisioning
 Managing Kubernetes Configurations
  • Working with ConfigMaps and Secrets
  • Managing environment variables in Pods and Deployments
  • Using Helm for package management and deployment
 Monitoring and Logging
  • Implementing monitoring and metrics collection with Prometheus and Grafana
  • Configuring logging with fluentd and Elasticsearch
  • Troubleshooting and optimizing cluster performance

 Securing Kubernetes
  • Implementing RBAC (Role-Based Access Control)
  • Securing cluster communication with TLS certificates
  • Enforcing security policies with Pod Security Policies
 Managing Cluster Upgrades and High Availability
  • Performing cluster upgrades and rolling updates
  • Configuring multi-master setups and node redundancy
  • Planning for disaster recovery and backup strategies
 Troubleshooting and Debugging
  • Identifying and resolving common issues and errors
  • Troubleshooting networking and application problems
  • Debugging Pods and examining container logs

 Advanced Networking and Service Meshes
  • Implementing advanced networking features, such as Network Policies and Ingress controllers
  • Exploring service mesh technologies like Istio and Linkerd
 Autoscaling and Resource Management
  • Implementing Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA)
  • Managing resource quotas and limits
  • Understanding cluster resource utilization and optimization
 Kubernetes Federation and Multi-Cluster Management
  • Exploring Kubernetes federation for managing multiple clusters
  • Configuring and managing multi-cluster deployments
 Exam Preparation and Review
  • Reviewing key concepts and exam topics
  • Practicing with sample exam questions and scenarios
  • Q&A session and clarifications

Sample Questions
Which component of Kubernetes is responsible for scheduling Pods to run on available nodes?
a) kube-apiserver
b) kube-scheduler
c) kube-controller-manager
d) kubelet

How can you scale a Deployment named "web-app" to have four replicas?
a) kubectl scale deployment web-app --replicas=4
b) kubectl resize deployment web-app --replicas=4
c) kubectl update deployment web-app --replicas=4
d) kubectl apply -f web-app-deployment.yaml --replicas=4

What is the purpose of a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) in Kubernetes?
a) To request storage from a Persistent Volume (PV)
b) To define storage classes for dynamic volume provisioning
c) To configure network policies for communication between Pods
d) To expose a Pod externally using a Service

Which Kubernetes resource is used to expose a set of Pods as a single, stable network endpoint?
a) Deployment
b) ReplicaSet
c) Service
d) Ingress

How can you enable RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) in a Kubernetes cluster?
a) By setting the --enable-rbac flag when starting the kube-apiserver
b) By configuring RBAC rules in the kube-apiserver configuration file
c) By creating a ClusterRole and binding it to a user or group
d) RBAC is enabled by default and cannot be disabled

Which tool can be used to monitor and collect metrics from a Kubernetes cluster?
a) Prometheus
b) Fluentd
c) Elasticsearch
d) Kibana

How can you upgrade a Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm?
a) kubeadm upgrade cluster
b) kubeadm upgrade apply
c) kubeadm upgrade node
d) kubeadm upgrade kubelet

What is the purpose of an Ingress controller in Kubernetes?
a) To manage and configure network policies for Pods
b) To provide load balancing and reverse proxy functionality
c) To monitor and collect metrics from the cluster
d) To manage and distribute container images

Which Kubernetes object is used to automatically provision and manage SSL/TLS certificates for Services?
a) Deployment
b) Ingress
c) ServiceAccount
d) ConfigMap

How can you view the logs of a specific Pod in Kubernetes?
a) kubectl get logs pod-name
b) kubectl logs pod-name
c) kubectl describe pod pod-name
d) kubectl exec pod-name logs


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Weiterbildung LFS458 Kubernetes Administration with Effective Exam Preparation

Plätze vorhanden
Köln / Online 2.530,00
Köln / Online 2.530,00 Buchen Vormerken
Plätze vorhanden
Köln / Online 2.530,00
Köln / Online 2.530,00 Buchen Vormerken
Plätze vorhanden
Köln / Online 2.530,00
Köln / Online 2.530,00 Buchen Vormerken
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  • Alle folgenden Schulungsformen können auch Online als Virtual Classroom durchgeführt werden.
  • Eine Offene Schulung findet zu einem festgelegten Zeitpunkt im voll ausgestatteten Schulungszentrum oder Online/Remote statt. Sie treffen auf Teilnehmende anderer Unternehmen und profitieren vom direkten Wissensaustausch.
  • Eine Inhouse-/Firmen-Schulung geht auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse Ihres Unternehmens ein. Sie erhalten eine kostenfreie Beratung von Ihrem Seminarleiter und können Inhalte und Dauer auf Ihren Schulungsbedarf anpassen. Inhouse-Schulungen können Europaweit durchgeführt werden.
  • Bei einer Individual-Schulung erhalten Sie eine 1-zu-1 Betreuung und bestimmen Inhalt, Zeit und Lerntempo. Der Dozent passt sich Ihren Wünschen und Bedürfnissen an.

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  • Sie erhalten 1 zu 1 die gleiche Lernumgebung, die Sie auch vor Ort bei uns vorfinden
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  • Sie sparen Reisekosten und Zeit
  • 10. Mär. - 13. Mär. ✓ Noch einige Plätze frei ▶ Köln + Online/Remote
  • 12. Mai - 15. Mai ✓ Noch einige Plätze frei ▶ Köln + Online/Remote
  • 14. Jul. - 17. Jul. ✓ Noch einige Plätze frei ▶ Köln + Online/Remote
  • Auch als Inhouse-Schulung, bundesweit mit Termin nach Wunsch und individuellen Inhalten
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